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Hello everybody, from the Anaheim convention center. E Ticket To Tomorrowland blog was reporting on Friday's events. Friday August the 23rd 2019
Cinderella, Belle and Giselle
We arrived around 11:30 AM. I was amazed at the talent these people of all ages who make their own costumes.They must spend months to even years creating those special Disney, Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars costumes. I overheard the guy who made his own helmet from the 1980's movie The Rocketeer, he said it took him two years to make it.
Look at the detail that they put into their costumes.
Cassie at Glimmerwood had created several Princesses as fairy costumes. The theme was Disney Hollow. I took this picture of her with my wife. This is her Fairy Godmother costume from the 2015 Cinderella film.
The theme for this year was Haunted Mansion 50th anniversary. There were lots of exhibits and contests to win the Design Challenge $2300.00 prize. Our friend Robert Lisinsky, a 3D paper artist created this Walt Disney World Haunted Mansion, He showed me the hidden Mickeys in his artwork.
Robert with his masterpiece.
red Mickey Mouse |
green Mickey Mouse |
Mickey Mouse on the suitcase |
Hidden Mickey Mouse face in the moon and tree |
There were vendors selling their items and vintage Disney art and collectibles.
Speaking of pirates, Carla met up with Captain Jack Sparrow and I met Red, I see she had escaped the Auction block as I saw she still had the rope tied to the back of her.
Now I will show more mousequerade cosplayer costumes.
One of the exhibits on the main hall " Heroes & Villains" was the actual costumes and props used in movies from Tron Legacy, Mary Poppins, 101 Dalmatians, Pirates of the Caribbean, Cinderella Live action , TV show Once Upon a Time, Now you can see where the cosplayer's came up with the designs to make their costumes.

You can see the red T on this costume, although he was Rinzler, he became his true self at the end of the movie TRON.

Cosplayers flocked to see the costumes. Here is Tim Allen's Santa Clause 3 Suit.
These were really great costumes from the Walt Disney archives. I am glad I got to see them up close.
I am jealous as I live here in So. California and never have been to Orlando to the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom, where you soon will be getting the new Tron Lightcycle Roller Coaster. Here is a the actual ride vehicle that will be on the track, along with the Cast Member costumes. On the back of the suit are their identity discs.
Well that is all for this year, as it was my birthday weekend, so we spent just Friday at D23 Expo. I hope you enjoyed our visit. and if by any chance we took a picture of you, please leave a comment and please follow our blog, as we will continue to report on future shows and events.
bye bye Anaheim Convention Center.
until our next visit. shooting for Wondercon.