Sunday, October 9, 2016


Once you cross under those railroad tracks, You leave today behind you.

Remember to click on the photos to make them larger.

 Have you ever just walked through the stores and Ice Cream Parlor/Candy Palace? and wondered where Walt Disney got all those antiques?
The One man band a.k.a. Hurdy Gurdy, you see in the above picture was featured in a Herbie the Love Bug movie, starring Helen Hayes, Ken Berry.

This yellow auto was not used in a Burl Ives movie, Summer Magic, But the green one was. They modified the body and made it look like a truck.
Bob Gurr was one of the Imagineers who designed all of the Main Street Automobiles.

Remember The Market house?
It was the place to go when it was cold outside, get a nice hot Apple cider or my favorite Hot Chocolate. you could sit around the iron stove and get warm, or challenge your friends to a game of Checkers.
You could listen to a phone call and hear all the rage.
it was also a gift shop to buy those Disneyland souvenirs. 

Then there are those Musicians, Marching Bands, and Parades.
I know you want to see that one Parade, that everyone loved. The parade that is returning America on Parade!!

No Wait That isn't it!!
How about Main Street Electrical Parade?

 Ah, cant you just here that great synth music playing?

You just cant beat Main Street at night, Unless you were to visit Carnation Plaza Gardens. Cant you hear that Big Band music playing.
There were times back in the 1950's and early 60's you could catch Walt and Lillian Disney out on the Dance floor.
I remember when I was in Jr. High and our Jazz band got to play on the stage there.


 sigh... Now it is all gone changed, at least they still let the Swing band and dancers play there.

Main Street is a happening place anytime of the year, you can see different things pop up overnight. I noticed something very interesting. these photos were taken in 2006-08 Nobody is staring at their phones, I-pads or other electronic gadgets.
They were enjoying the park.

You can always find Disney characters, either at the entrance of the Disneyland Park or somewhere on Main Street U.S.A.
Have you ever looked up at the windows and wondered, who's names are those? Walt Disney wanted to give credit to all the people who helped build his theme park.
Next Time you are there, see how many names you recognize.

There are some famous people that have worked for Disneyland, Like Vern P. Smith (RIP). and Those Ragtime pianists Ragtime Robert Glenn and I got to meet Ragtime Rod Miller. they hang out at Coke Corner.

So our journey is coming to a close, and what better way to end it. at the Sleeping Beauty Castle.

People walk over this golden marker every day, and I wonder how many know what it is. before Mickey's Toon Town was built. That marked the middle of Disneyland.

Now which way should the next blog go?
Fantasyland? Frontierland? Adventureland? or Tomorrowland?
Only Tinkerbell will know.

Please click on the pictures to make them larger.
Thanks for looking. Please click on the ads to keep this blog online.

I want to give credit to all the people who helped with the vintage photo's and to my wife for taking pictures on all of our trips to the park.

( picclick, Pintrest, Delcampe, Davelandweb, OCRegister, GorillasDontBlog,, WDWlive, Nopatternrequired, YouTube, WDWfacts, disneyshawn, Disneyavenue,Yesterland and Tumblr.

Until next time please stay posted.

Monday, October 3, 2016


How many of you remember your parents driving right up to the front entrance of Disneyland?
and if they parked farther back, riding on the blue and yellow tram.

Once you got in, did you stop at City Hall and sign in? or did you take a trip down Main street via Horseless carriage or horse drawn trolleys? either way you could get a good view of the sights and sounds of the city life.
If you look at the street lamps that line Main Street, you will notice they start out using gas to light the flame, by the time you got down to the hub the lights are electric.
One of my traditions is, when arriving I must ring the bell in the fire department below Walt's Apartment.
And visit Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.

stay tuned for more pictures from the Carnation Plaza and the Sleeping beauty's Castle.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


My artist friend Posted this beautiful piece on Facebook and I wanted to share his art, for the 45th Anniversary of Walt Disney World.
If you click on the picture, you can enlarge it.

Hi, my name is Robert Lisinsky and I'm an aspiring artist in the Orlando, Florida area.  As some of you may know, Walt Disney World turns 45 this Saturday, October 1. I wanted to make an original poster for the event, and I'm happy to have the opportunity to share it here. After a little research, I found out that the "traditional" 45th anniversary gift is a sapphire, so I used that as the theme of the decorations in my poster. I included attractions and landmarks that were there on opening day, with Cinderella Castle being the most prominent and most decorated with blue and silver banners and the blue roofs turned into "sapphires". I had to pick and choose among what was there on opening day, but I felt it was important to include the Country Bear Jamboree (represented by Big Al) and the Hall of Presidents since they were unique to the Florida resort when it opened.  I included the Orange Bird for the same reason.  I specifically included the Roy O. Disney locomotive so my poster would have both Walt Disney's and Roy Disney's names on it.  Without Roy's dedication after Walt's passing, there probably would not be a Walt Disney World today. The original is 11" X 17" and is done entirely with colored pencils.  Can you find the Hidden Mickey? You can Reach Robert at
Thank you, Mitchell, for the invitation!
Who remembers those old commercials?   Come visit Walt Disney World in Florida. the newest theme park, the size of San Fransisco.
I wish I could say more about this Theme park, But I was born in California, I keep saying I will make it to Florida before I die. I am 51 years old now.
I need to go. My wife used to live at WDW, But she moved to the original park to live with me.
Here are some pictures from 1971 or earlier.

Happy Anniversary Walt Disney World. 45 Years of Magic.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


A while back I put up a poll on what you wanted to see more of, Many of you asked for pictures from the past of Disneyland.
I went to Disneyland at least twice a year when I was a kid, Our parents would take all five of us brothers. We would enter the park via the Monorail at the Monorail Café during the winter. As my dad would go to the NAMM show in January. and send my mom and us to Disneyland.
My dad would then join us around 6pm , so he could watch the live bands play at Carnation Plaza, and under Space Mountain stage (sorry I cannot remember the name). and over at the Mint Julep Bar in New Orleans Square.

And we would go in the summer close to my birthday in August. We would then see the bands that played at Tomorrowland Terrace and the Parades and a Must see Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks.
I will take you on a tour from the past and then bring you up to speed in the future, Well 1980's.
Unfortunately I will be using other peoples pictures as all the family photos were split up between my 4 other brothers, for some reason I didn't end up with Disneyland pictures, I got the Knott's Berry Farm pictures.
So I would like to thank these people now. Gorillasdontblog, Davesblogland, Yesterland, DisneyGoblog, Disneylandblog, and Google Images. But most of all I want to thank Walt Disney for creating the Park for his daughters and us.
So lets start at the Main Street Station. Travel back in time . There are a lot of pictures, which means there will be seven blogs, not including this one.
We will visit rides from the past, rides that have been revamped or taken out of the park.
I will also try to find pictures of classic Mickey Mouse Balloons, Parades, Places to eat, Bands, Stages merchandise.
I thought I would just give you a small preview of what is in store.


Remember, you can always just click on the picture to make them larger.
Stay tuned for Part one of this Adventure through time.